tirsdag 9. april 2013

WoGE 377 Hint #2

It's not in Norway, but it IS in Europe.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Hi

    This is near Ainsa in the foothills of the Pyrenees.


    The western tip of the W-E trending ridge in the picture is the spectacular summit of Peña Montañesa.

    The Pyrenees formed as a result of the collison between the Iberian and European plates in the Paleogene. The ridge in the image is part of the Peña Montañesa thrust system and consists of Upper Cretaceous to Middle Eocene carbonates in the Cotiella(?) thrust sheet. See also the wonderful photograph on Brian Romans' Clastic Detritus blog:

  2. Absolutely correct!

    A large Nowegian oil company has a "training camp" in Ainsa, using the Ainsa basin to let geologist see similar formations to what they work with on NCS.

  3. Great! I have actually been on a field trip based out of that very same "training camp" myself a few years back.

    So how does this work? Are you normally posting the next one right away? I have a few candidates ready for the next quiz. I don't have a www, so I'm wondering if you would mind posting the next one at your site?


  4. Christopher, I can post it for you. I won't be able to do it before Monday at the earliest, so you have the whole weekend to find a good one. :)

  5. Ole, where shall I send my contribution?

    1. Send it to oletjug (at ) gmail (dot) com, the address I use for this blog.

  6. WOGE 378 is at : http://overburdenblog.blogspot.no/2013/04/christophers-woge-378.html
