torsdag 25. august 2016

Where on Google Earth #580

Summer is a slow time, so I have not hurried with finding a new puzzle after sitting on the solution to Felix' WoGE #579 for well over a week. There was something very Australian about the place, and if that was correct then it had to be Southern Australia, and all in all it took me less than  10 minutes from opening Google Earth to finding the location.

This one should be about the same level of difficulty: A  player has to wait three hours for each former win, before he/she is allowed to solve this challenge. 

Since I expect experienced players to find it VERY quickly, I also invoke the triple Schott Rule: 

As always, the first person to post the position and whatever is interesting about the geology/hydrology/geowhatever in this location, wins the privilege of hosting the next WoGE.

Previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on 
his blog and a KML file.

Really? It's been three weeks now, and no suggestions? I can't really zoom out more, and showing a detail won't help if you can't find a 16km circular feature... It's in one of the most popular countries - for WoGEs. :)

4 kommentarer:

  1. A week has passed and more, so it looks like it's time for a hint.

    Look at the size - this thing is huge! Maybe the largest of its kind - which is not what you would think at first glance.

  2. Messum Crater, Namibia - 21°25'33.7"S+14°06'40.5"E

    Messum Crater is not a meteorite or asteroid impact crater at all.
    It is rather part of an igneous ring complex and the once active volcano inside / below / above would have been the source of most of the basalts of the surrounding Goboboseb mountains, stretching from near Cape Cross to the old Brandberg West mine near the Ugab river.
    Messum is essentially comparable to the Ngorongoro caldera.The centre part of Messum ‘volcano’ has collapsed like a pie in a big 18km diameter pie-dish; “the bottom had simply fallen out” … The intrusions date back to the break-up of the Gondwana supercontinent 130 million years ago. (source)

    After searching some of these I went here and found it.

  3. Finally! Over to you, Luis!

    I would have thought that something this large would have been hard to miss. :)
