Andrew's WoGE #568 was not so hard to find, but it took a little longer to find out what it was. The Husab Mine which is just now starting operation is the third largest Uranium deposit in the world, but since the operation is so new there are no photos and no Wikipedia tag in the area. I finally realised that uranium mines are just about the only ones that need THAT much processing facilities, which made the search a little easier.
Onwards to the next contest!
No mine this time, and (mostly) not desert either.
As always, the first person to post the position and whatever is interesting about the geology/hydrology/geowhatever in this location, wins the privilege of hosting the next WoGE.
Previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file.
If you haven't found it by now, it is possible that you are looking on the wrong continent.
SvarSlettI've found it but I'm not quite sure if this is exactly the right answer....I'm going to try it.
SvarSlett9°33'26.97"N 12°50'45.78"W
Mount Singande, Guinea
Major parts of Guinea are underlain by crystalline basement Precambrian rocks comprising gneiss, migmatites and granitic intrusions that correspond to the southern portion of the West African Craton. The eastern two-thirds of the country is dominated by schists of the Kenema-Man domain and the Paleoproterozoic Birrimian System. Along the coast there occurs a strip of Neogene marine and alluvial sediments.
Guinea has major metallic resources, some of which are iron ore, gold and uranium. Weathering of tertiary sediments has resulted in laterization leading to the formation of very large bauxite deposits.
You found it, Elisabeth.
SvarSlettIt is hard to find out anything about the geology here, as I didscovered when considering the location. But since I was sure that I would have started looking on the other side of the Atlantic myself, I decided to use it anyway.
This "tepuy" is an outlier of the Fouta-Djallon mountains, which as far as I have managed to find out consist mostly of Ordovician sandstones and other sediments overlying Precambrian basement.
New game is here: