torsdag 31. mars 2016

Where on Google Earth #549

Andrew's WoGE #548 was less difficult to find than it seemed at first look. A landslide-dammed lake between high mountains, with alpine glaciers and very small cultivated fields led me almost straight to the eastern parts of the Himalayas.

Along the way I took a detour and found this:

Note the orientation!

As always, the first person to post the position and whatever is interesting about the geology/hydrology/geowhatever in this location, wins the privilege of hosting the next WoGE.

Previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on 
his blog and a KML file.

tirsdag 8. mars 2016

Where on Google Earth #542

I haven't been so active lately, often having found the location only long after the NEXT puzzle was posted.
But Paul's WoGE #541 turned out to be surprisingly easy when my first hunch turned out to be correct!

So it's my turn again, and I hereby present yet another round thing:

I think the Schott rule would be superfluous this time.

As always, the first person to post the position and whatever is interesting about the geology/hydrology/geowhatever in this location, wins the privilege of hosting the next WoGE.

Previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on 
his blog and a KML file.