tirsdag 19. april 2016

Where on Google Earth #557

Andrew's WoGE #556 looked very hard, but turned out to have enough clues to find the Lena Pillars in a surprisingly short time once I started looking.

No river this time:

As always, the first person to post the position and whatever is interesting about the geology/hydrology/geowhatever in this location, wins the privilege of hosting the next WoGE.

Previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on 
his blog and a KML file.

This time I will invoke the Schott Rule: For each previous win, you have to wait one hour. 

Posting time is April 19th, 08:40 CET or 06:40 UTC.

mandag 11. april 2016

Where on Google Earth #555

So it's my turn again, after finding Andrew's Arabian volcanoes. Volcanoes in Saudi Arabia ought not to be a great surprise, after all the Red Sea is an active spreading rift. Yet we tend to think that deserts and sand dunes are bad enough, I guess - but there are quite a few active volcanoes in Saudi Arabia including one very near the holy city of Medina.

So this time, no desert for a change.

This time I ask for not only WHAT and WHERE it is, but also the underlying cause for it being where it is. Good hunting!

As always, the first person to post the position and whatever is interesting about the geology/hydrology/geowhatever in this location, wins the privilege of hosting the next WoGE.

Previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on 
his blog and a KML file.

tirsdag 5. april 2016

Where on Google Earth #552

Paul presented us with the edge of the Ennedi Plateau, which I readily admit would have been a lot harder to find if I hadn't already examined the area to find a good spot for a WoGE. I would most likely have chosen a spot a bit further south with either more famous arches and pillars, or maybe a paleoclimatic remnant - or maybe I will do that at some future time?

Anyway, here is the new puzzle. And it is a bit of a puzzle, I think. :)

As always, the first person to post the position and whatever is interesting about the geology/hydrology/geowhatever in this location, wins the privilege of hosting the next WoGE.

Previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on 
his blog and a KML file.