onsdag 16. desember 2015

WoGE: Where on Google Earth #523

Andrew presented a very nice paleodelta with subsequent erosion by the smaller modern river in WoGE #522

Going from somewhere warmer than my last WoGE to somewhere even warmer, here is WoGE #523:

As always, the first person to post the position and whatever is interesting about the geology/hydrology/geowhatever in this location, wins the privilege of hosting the next WoGE.

Previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on 
his blog and a KML file.

fredag 11. desember 2015

Where on Google earth #521

Felix presented the lowest point in the Americas, the Western Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere all rolled into WoGE #520. There is a lot of visible geology in Argentina!

Since I solved it quickly, I will post almost as quickly:

Besides, weekend is coming and I want to get home soon. :)

As always, the first person to post the position and whatever is interesting about the geology/hydrology/geowhatever in this location, wins the privilege of hosting the next WoGE.

Previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on 
his blog and a KML file.

onsdag 9. desember 2015

Where on Google Earth #519

Felix found an opencast lignite mine near the German/Polish border for WoGE #518. It looked very European, and North-central at that, so it seems it took me only 11 minutes to find it! I was helped by the fact that it was a repeat of WoGE #207, but I only noticed that after I had found it. :)

Since I solved it quickly, I will post almost as quickly:

This one should be a little more difficult, I believe.

As always, the first person to post the position and whatever is interesting about the geology/hydrology/geowhatever in this location, wins the privilege of hosting the next WoGE.

Previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on 
his blog and a KML file.