onsdag 19. november 2014

Where on Google Earth #463

It is my turn again after finding Felix' WoGE #462, a segment of the Kunlun Fault showing displacement of crossing alluvial fans.

Deserts are always popular in WoGE, so this time I will go for something more humid:

As always, post a comment with latitude and longitude and write something about the (geologic/geographic/hydrographic) feature in the picture. If you win, you get to host the next one.

Previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file.

torsdag 6. november 2014

WoGE #461

Felix' WoGE #460 was solved as quickly as my WoGE #459. :)

To stick with the theme, here is a round thing:

It is a little smaller than the last one, so I have hopes it will last more than an hour or so!

As usual, post a comment with latitude and longitude and write something about the (geologic/geographic/hydrographic) feature in the picture. If you win, you get to host the next one.

Previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file.