tirsdag 6. januar 2015

Where on Google Earth # 469

Kubilay's WoGE # 468 took me a lot less time to solve than I think he expected, to be honest I was surprised myself when all my hunches turned out to be correct.

I didn't know about Tuz Gölü in advance, which is one of the reasons I love this game: Every new puzzle teaches me something new, whether I am the poster or the solver.
For my first WoGE in the new year, I present an image from an area I know very little about. There is something structural, without which it would be just about impossible to solve this. There are some secondary structural-geology-related features, which i think are rather interesting. And there is something geomorphological, which I found quite surprising - all things considered.

As always, post a comment with latitude and longitude and write something about the (geologic/geographic/hydrographic) feature in the picture. If you win, you get to host the next one.

Previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file.
 Time for a hint, perhaps?
Looking along the "big lump in the middle".

7 kommentarer:

  1. I did a bit more reserch, and discovered that this WoGE is a lot more interesting than I thought at first. A geologic map will be of help, and there is a decent one available on the net. But then you still have to extrapolate a bit, and infer what is missing in the map from what you can se on GE. ;)

  2. Another week, and time for another hint. But I don't know what hint would be useful without giving everything away.
    Suggestions, anyone?

  3. Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.

  4. Second try to write it properly...

    Found it: 29°44'30"N / 69° 4'30 "E

    After searching the Atlas mountains twice, I finally found WOGE 469 in central Pakistan. It is located within the Sulaiman fold and thrust belt. This belt is the widest (>300 km) of several belts related to the Himalayan mountain system situated in its foreland. It formed due to the collision of the Indian subcontinent with the Afghan block. Marine plateau stratigraphic sequences were pushed on the transitional crust of the Indian subcontinent and duplex structures with a thin passive roof formed. Shortening is assumed to be more than about 330 km in these structures. Within the thin roof sequence pop-up structures and back thrusts developed.

    What we see on this WOGE is an area near the “Mari Pop-Up zone”, where Cretaceous rocks (southern ridge) are exposed to the surface by thrusts trough the Paleocene (darker hill in E; “Jandran Range”) and Eocene (bright rocks in N) roof. A Tertiary rock cover would be found further to N-W as there is the Kohlu-syncline.

    Apparently there was also some successful drilling for natural gas and oil in the area, but For the geomorphology I’m not absolutely sure what Ole referred to.

    Ishtiaq Ahman Khan Jadoon: Thin skinned Tectonics on Continent/Ocean Transitional Crust. Sulaiman Range, Pakistan. https://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1957/36541/JadoonIshtiaqAhmadKhan1992.pdf?sequence=1

  5. Congratulations, Veidos!

    There are two interesting geomorphology features in this photo:
    first, the fracture-controlled gulleys on the pale Eocene rocks in the northwest prt, you can see more paralell fractures all along that ridge.
    Second, the "grey lump in the middle" has several very clear slump-style landslide marks. You wouldn't expect that in older sediments, this looks as if it is the youngest of all the rocks here, despite my initial thought that this was the core of an eroded anticline.

    So I started looking at the dip directions, and found confirmation that the grey lump is a wedge of quaternary clay below eocene marls, separated by a thrust. If you follow this structure towards the northeast, you will see dip the eocene beds turning from low-angle NW to almost vertical to low-angle SE. Just looking at the surface it is very hard to tell that there is a thrust, take dip and age and erosion patterns into account and it is all clear. :)

  6. I see, that's how "fold and thrust" belts got a name - thrust everywhere ;-)

  7. Here you can find WOGE# 470:
