fredag 28. februar 2014

WoGE #427

It's my turn again, and as usual I struggle to find something that is bothe hard enough to find and interesting enough geologically speaking. Which means I should be able to find out something about the geology myself, preferrably without resorting to at-work literature searches: If you need a subscription to read about the geology, it's unfair.

Matthew's mysterious table mountain took a while to find. I searched in all the wrong places first, and finally found it in another "wrong place". A geological map showed what it is, but really opened more new questions as to why it is where it is. Maybe I should go have a look at it in person?

One thing that I'm reasonably certain of, is that it's not an "outlier".

This one IS an outlier. I don't think it will be hard to find, and it's well documented so Schott's rule is in effect.

For any new players to Where on (Google) Earth, simply post a comment with latitude and longitude and write something about the (geologic/geographic/hydrographic) feature in the picture. If you win, you get to host the next one. Previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file.

If you don't know what the Schott Rule is, it doesn't apply to you.

Good hunting!

fredag 7. februar 2014

Where on Google Earth #425

Brian's WoGE #424 was one of those cases where it was harder to find information than to find the location. I blame the nearby mercury mine for having fogged the brains of the mappers; every search I tried ended up in the mine. Still there were good structural clues which helped find out what and where it was.

This one also has some clues as to the location. Finding out exactly what it is may be harder, though - at least I hope so. :)

For any new players to Where on (Google) Earth, simply post a comment with latitude and longitude and write something about the (geologic/geographic/hydrographic) feature in the picture. If you win, you get to host the next one. Previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file.